As you can see I have not been doing much painting for the last couple of weeks. I have been concentrating on getting our house ready to sell. I am planning on moving closer to my work and into a larger house. Part of the plan involves taking down my painting table. It will be moved out to the garage and I might still be able to use it, but I will probably switch back to the cart as my painting area.
I have added some figures to the collection (Sssh! Don't tell my wife). I recently aquired some GW Harad foot for the Lord of the Rings to add to my small collection. I also ordered (through a freind) some Copplestone figures for pulp era gaming. I will get some pictures up as soon as I find time to work on them.
The Night Lords army listed below is still for sale but I am beginning to think no one is interested. Oh well, I guess I will just have to keep it.
Broadside Empires of Steel: Encounter Battle!
Last night at the Wollongong Wargamers *Broadside: Empires of Steel* was
our themed game.
I and my elements of the High Seas Fleet Scouting force was ...
10 hours ago