Ever since I started playing Flames of War I have wanted to do a mid/late war Soviet tank army but the high cost of Battlefront tanks kept me from jumping in. A few months ago I found out about Plastic Soldier company and the 15mm plastic tanks and infantry they are producing. I saw some pictures of the T34 set and was really excited. This was especially true with the price per tank about half of Battlefront.
Recently my local game store, Imperial Outpost Games, ordered in a few boxes and I was finally able to see these in the flesh. I was hooked! These things are amazing.

As you can see the kit will make 5 T34 models as either the 76 or the 85. The first tank I built was the T34 76. To be more accurate this is the T34 Model 43. It is the hardedge turret and the all rubber road wheels and lack of the box fuel tanks put this as a late 43 production. I would have loved to have seen the steel road wheels and the box fuel tanks as an option in the kit but it is still very nice.

The back of the box has the assembly instructions and a painting guide with Vallejo paint colors. The modle only has about 16 parts.

The sprue is very clean and well molded.

As you can see the finished model is very nice. I think it may be the best looking T34 in 15mm. My assembly is not the best and I found the tracks to be a little fiddly. I am sure this will improve as I build the remaining four tanks.
I will be buying several more boxes of these tanks and I will also be buying the PZ Mk IV for my Germans. I am really excited about the news that they will be producing a Sherman kit. The future of plastic kits for my hobby projects is looking bright.