Here is my 76th Pennsylvania Infantry regiment. I still need to do the banners for the unit but it is done enough to show-off. The figures are Sash and Saber.
This is the sixth regiment I have painted for the American Civil War this year. My production has slowed down in the last few weeks. I am still hoping to get in another Black Powder game before the year ends. I thing it might be time to paint some rebs.
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6 minutes ago
They look really good! I've got some S&S zouaves waiting to get painted and I might snag your idea and paint up this regiment. I couldn't settle on a regiment because I didn't want them to be too flashy. Did you use any online sources for these you could share?
I used this site -
It has some interesting info. This unit was a little tough to find info on. I did a Google image search and found a few other examples of the uniform. I like the look of the uniform because it is the same colors as the standard union unifrom but in the zouave style.
Cool, thanks. Now to get the motivation to get my paints out!
Hmm. Somewhat dark? Is it the lighting? The reason I ask is because I can't make out any of the detail.
Nice paintwork on the yanks
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