This is a platoon of Panzer IV F1 tanks built from the excellent Plastic Soldier Company's Panzer IV kit. The kit allows you to build PZ IV variants starting with the F1 and going through the H. These tanks will be providing much needed armor support for my Fallschirmjagers in Tunisia. This platoon will eventually be the foundation of a DAK Panzer Company.
I am really impressed with the quality of these kits and will be buying MANY more boxes for all sorts of FoW projects. I just cannot wait for the STuG and Pz III kits to be released.
These look great! I have to get started on my Shermans this week.
Very nice. Are you going to add decals?
Nice work on the Panzers. Looking forward to getting the half-track kit from the Plastic Soldier Co.
I do plan to add decals at some point. The lack of decals is really the only weakness of these kits IMO.
I am pretty sure you can decal sheets from Battlefront.
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