The sets for this campaign range from loading docks to ghettos to the halls of the Tech Priests. My friend, Tim, is working on some terrain for this project as well. Scroll to the bottom of this post to see what he has been working on.
I have been working on the ghettos. These are the homes for the miners and need to have a 40K shanty town look. These buildings are needed for at least one scenario and will be useful for many others. They will also come in handy for Necromunda.
For this project I am using these cool foam pieces. These are packaging pieces from some appliance. They have an excellent shape. These will be filled with the expanding foam insulation that I used on the GW Blastscape set.
These builds are just elaborate false fronts. The buildings will be impassible. My inspiration for this project comes from the "How to Make Wargames Terrain" from Games Workshop. The section on buildings have tons of examples of different building types and styles. The examples that they use in this section is the main inspiration for this project.

I love converted cultist figures. I never got into Inquisitor.
Nice looking miners, when you told me about using the Pirates I though you might have lost it, but after seeing them they look great!
The Hab block is coming along nicely, will they be ready when I get back?
Great Conversions!
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