Thanks for the feedback! These guys were a lot of fun to paint, as has been the whole army. I really thought going back to the blue body paint was a mistake but it always seems to turn out in the end. It really looks like crap while you are doing it.
Historicon is a Go
George dealing with the reservation line.
Saddle up the horses and pack the buggy we are going to Historicon
My friend George spent ...
Pict archers
Project Pict is finished, apart from adding some flags to the models. In
fact it's been finished since before Midgard launched late last year, but I
Painting - 12 Riders of Rohan
My entry for this week continues my work on Rohan. This entry is 12
riders for last week's heroes to command.They look pretty impressive all
ranked up to...
Greek War of Independence - Using TMWWBK
An interesting scenario was played using the TMWWBK rules. A town in the
Peloponnese was blockaded by the Ottomans until the arrival of siege guns
that we...
Magazine Interview
Well I'm very proud to announce that I have made it into Wargames
illustrated. While at the 'Other Partizan' show with James Morris and the
Midgard game,...
The Last Legion
The final unit of legionaries for my third century Romans project. Just a
couple of command bases to do now, not necessarily needed but one can never
have ...
3rd Regiment, Gardes d' Honneur
The 3e Regiment of Gardes d' Honneur was raised from the 10th (Tolouse ),
11th (Bourdeaux ), 12th (La Rochelle), 13th (Renne ), 20th ( Périgueux),
22nd (...
Clash of Steel - Western Desert 1942?
So Clash of Steel (CoS) is a brilliant wargaming system set in an
alternative Post War European timeline. *Not* the Western Desert 1942. So
why eschew F...
Prussian reinforcements (4)
The Prussian Production Line slowed a little this week as we had a cracking
game of GDA, starting on on Friday evening and playing through Saturday:
Fantasy Gladiators
As some of you may know we released *Arena of Blood* last year and it
turned out to be more versatile than I hoped. After a few historical
Its Alive!!!
Its been a few months since my last post, funny how life gets in the way of
hobby fun. Well as the picture above shows, I have found a new game to ...
Road to Lustria - The Bogenhafen Saga
So I had the chance to resume our ongoing warhammer fantasy roleplay
campaign a couple of weeks ago. I had been waiting eagerly for this since
my charac...
Union Cavalry
Adding more ACW to my collection. I'm kind of reluctant to move to other
periods at the moment as I really need to add some units to play some
Ned & Norri - The Giant & The Faerie
Hi All!
Today I have another set of figures from the talented folks over at
Westfalia Miniatures.
Here is a foraging giant ('Ned') and his faerie frien...
Things From The Basement New England Village
These were Christmas gifts from my Mother-in-law and wife. Things from the
Basement kits are awesome.
The Hartwell Tavern kit is great an excellent rep...
Scraping the barrel.
More oddments finished yesterday. These really are the arse end of the
French resin pimple for the time being. Of course I am sure that other
stuff will...
Marie Louise Conscripts updated - Perry 28mm
A refurbishment of these conscripts, I wasn't happy with the blue I'd used
for their Pokalem headgear, so gave them a wash to darken the colour, and
as ...
2024 in Review
2024 saw me painting more for myself than in previous years. I worked in a
couple of smaller commissions, but most of my energy went to rounding out
my 18...
Marshal of Cavalry - Turnip 28
A few months ago I finished up a cavalry master for the Parsnip Empress's
horse squadrons. I used a 3d printed "Mutant horse" from Schlossbauer, with
a P...
AHPC#2: Panzer IV Ausf. A
We're just into the second week of this years Annual Analogue Hobbies
Painting Challenge and I already got a second entry in *enter canned
applause here*....
Предновогодний болт
Не одним Chain of Command жив варгейм в тематике Второй Мировой Войны.
Сыграли с Ваней игру по правилам Болт Экшн 2й редакции. Формат небольшой -
1500 ...
Beja completed!
This week I have finished the Beja contingent for the Mahdists - I've
halved the Mahdist lead pile! It's not the end of painting Mahdists for a
while lon...
Forge Fathers Heavy Support
As I continue to make my way through my Forge Fathers collection I've
finished off some more heavy support options, another Doomstorm Pattern
Iron Ancestor...
For the 72 hours between 28th November and 30th November, the *WARFARE
MINIATURES BLACK FRIDAY BOOK DEAL* will allow you to get any or all of our
More Little boats: Poleacre and America's
A polacca through it's first stages before basing, priming, and painting.
A little houy.
I finished assembling and rigging a few more ships including a lit...
Fire Forge Samurai Minis
After watching the new vesions of Shogun I was once again hooked in the
Feudal Japanese history and the later Sengoku period 1540 -1600.
Ofcourse the...
Seven Years War at Partizan
Sorry for the lack of posts this last few weeks! I have been very busy
getting the, Seven Years War, demonstration game ready for the 2nd Partizan
show ...
"Lust for Glory" at Colours
Here are a few shots of the first test game of the "horse and musket" rules
I've been working on, tentatively named "Lust for Glory."
This was the fir...
Dronningens Livregiment
Another unit for my growing Danish army... Warfare Miniatures, of course!
The mounted officer is from one of the Cuirassier Officer packs (tricorns &
Another quick post. Good chum Colin gifted these lovely resin pieces to me
(thanks mate!). These were beautifully cast and very straightforward to
paint us...
Empirical Army update #1 plus a little bit extra
So I have made some progress on my Empire Army repaint; in this case six
Great Swords who were originally part of a larger twelve man unit. My
original p...
Blood Bowl Sideline Lizards
Hot off the printer, it’s a few entirely unnecessary but fun extra
miniatures for my Blood Bowl team! My team of dodgy lizard guys has just
completed their...
CarrierCon 2021 - USS Hornet
NorCal hosted a small skirmish tournament aboard the USS Hornet in the
ward room, and I brought a recon force with Pumas, backed by Hetzers. In
Round On...
Re-routing - Preparing the Walnut for Assembly!
Once the various stringers had been laminated together, the next step would
be to rout channels in the wood to add the sheets of maple plywood which
would ...
The Cynical Seven - Desperados Gang
*"The liquor's all gone boys..."*
Finished up my Desperados gang for Dead Man's Hand. Just a few pics to
share as I didn't get too many to turn out that ...
Review: Oathmark Goblin Wolf Riders
The Goblin Wolf Riders are the first Oathmark models I have bought and I
purchased them specifically to add hobgoblin light cavalry to my Chaos
Dwarf a...
33 Ford Coupe
I finished up the video on the 33 Ford Coupe. This is a much cleaner
build than the Mustang I posted last week. I was trying a new paint, Turbo
Dork M...
326 BC The Battle of Hydaspes
Just posting a few images from the game we played yesterday afternoon, The
Battle of Hydaspes, where Alexanders veteran army fought the Indian King
This is the end...
So after 16 years of blogging here on blogger, I have decided to end it.
...and have opened a new site here that I hope to turn into a fully fledged
CCLII. AoS28: Sunhold Deadwalkers and Netopyr
*A*t last found a bit of time for my personal projects, so I made a few
figures real quick.
Sunhold Deadwalkers
I'm trying to settle for a definitive ...
Witcher 3 "Geralt" painted up
And the second miniature from the SAGA collectibles from Stronghold
Miniatures is painted up.
Pretty happy with them both, I was thinking how to use them in...
Nestorian Infestation #38
Mosuo dan Bribrix, Matriarch of House Akan readies herself for the arrival
of Master Nestorian.. Nestorian Infestation is gearing up and we will for
the fi...
This weekend I picked up the new Adepta Sororitas box and quickly glued
together a battle sister.
As quickly as possible at least - these models are extreme...
Hobby catch up Halloween 2019
Hi all, just a quick post to say I'm still alive and kicking!
I offer some pictures of work I have completed since last time, some of
which are rather appr...
Old School Transport
This one has been around a while, no major mods by me, bar adding the
reigns. Had a disaster with the picture session, but you'll get the idea!
Neil, all...
Trash Terrain: Giftbox Sci-Fi Dwelling
It's hip to be square... This is my first blog entry in literally months,
mainly because my day-job as a full professional writer has also been
full-on ...
Crusades revisited
Hi Gents,
A miserable day here in Scotland which led me to the games room and a few
pics of the Crusade collection (my personnel favourite) this will be
Auerstadt 1806 Napoleonic Over the Hills Game
Having finished my 1806 Morand Division we thought we would have a game
based on Auerstadt in 1806. The premise being an encounter where my high
quality t...
A great Case
The large Carrying case from TableWar has proven to be handy for a number
of things. I thought that the larger size would let me carry the bigger
Some random ACW photos from Cold Wars 2019
I took two of my grandsons to Cold Wars 2019 in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, a
couple of weeks ago. My 10-year-old grandson Aidan Mingus took a few shots
of so...
March Update - Good year so far...
We are already into March of 2019...another year just flying by it seems.
I'm just doing an update on what I've been able to get done so far this
year, an...
Arabs and a Norman
Some experimentation has been taking place on my Hobby table. These Arabs
below have bodies from three different plastic sets. Gripping Beast Arabs,
Legends of the High Seas Resources
Legends of the High Seas cover Just a short update: After a recent request
I have just uploaded some old resources for *Legends of the High Seas* to
the ...
Imperial Germans XI
I've a few additions to share in regards to the Imperial German project.
First up is a second artillery battery:
Another batch of Uhlans for the 9th (2nd...
I am writing a BOOK!
That's right, fellow blog fans! I've decided to write a book about painting
wargaming collections. It will be going to Kickstarter this *Friday, March
Zvezda's KV-1 Obr.40
2017...'Bye Felicia!
Hello All and Happy 2018!
I've been working on a 15mm plastic Zvezda KV-1 Obr.40 tank has the option
to build an earlier Obr.39 (simp...
ODDBALL AERONAUTS! If your loking for a fun card game on the fly check this
kickstarter out.
A colourful mob indeed!
They look pretty sharp! Nice job.
Awesome man, I like it!
simply awesome work!!!!
Thanks for the feedback! These guys were a lot of fun to paint, as has been the whole army. I really thought going back to the blue body paint was a mistake but it always seems to turn out in the end. It really looks like crap while you are doing it.
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