OK, it is late March and I just realized that I have not posted in nearly 2 months. I really try and post 3-4 times a month mainly as a way to keep me motivated. And therein lies the problem, lack of motivation. It really shocks me to realize that I have yet to paint (completely) a single miniature this year. It is not as if I have been doing nothing hobby related, I just haven't been painting and posting.
So what have I been doing? Well, February was spent with Bolt Action. From the end of the Shifting sands Kursk event until the beginning of this month I played lots of Bolt Action. I started by doing some test games in preparation for Gathering in the Desert 2 day tournament. Then there was the event itself followed the next weekend by yet another BA tournament.
The Gathering event was a blast and was really one of the best weekend's gaming ever. I went into the event with the idea of taking lots of photographs and making notes of each game. I planned to do several posts just on this event but, as it turns out, I managed to take pictures of the tables only. I have included three of the best in this post but they were all top notch.
I would love to share with you shots of the cool painted armies (all the armies were painted). I guess you can just go to http://gatheringinthedesert.blogspot.com/ and take a look at what Tim has posted. There is also some coverage on Tim's blog as well as Jeremy's blog.
Randy also did a couple of videos of each day's happenings. Day 1 and Day 2
All of this Bolt Action action has done a couple of things. First, it is time to step back and play something else for a while. The plan was to get in some SAGA and then back to Flames of War. That has not panned out and we just jumped back into Flames. We have a new player that Tim and I are helping to get into the game so we have been doing small, 600 point battles. This is a great way to learn the game and refresh the rules. The other result of the Bolt Action action is I have decided to build my Perry 8th Army figures and fully flesh out an army. They are just too good to ignore and the Perry's have been adding lots of cool stuff to the line.
Time for a confession, one of the biggest reason for the lack of hobby progress and updates is due to the evil of video games. Just after the first of the year I started playing Fallout New Vegas. As a huge fan of Fallout 3 I just had to play this game. Turns out that it has managed to eat about 200 hours of my life that I will never get back and I have nothing to show for the investment (other than my PS3 trophies). Please, please, please stay away from the video games. They will destroy your hobby life.
Hopefully, I am back on track for some regular updates.
The Ravaged Coast, part 5
I might have said my Ironjawz Spearhead was finished, but of course that
doesn't mean my pirate Ironjawz are finished! (Let's be honest - they never
1 hour ago
I know what you mean about the curse of the video game ... even the Mrs didn't like me twiddling away at the keyboard for hours on end, with nothing to show for it when the beast was turned off at the end of the night... She's much 'happier' when I am up to the elbows in glue and paint... at least I have something to show for my time, even if I occasionally take over kitchen and dining room space to make stuff! ;-)
The funny thing is I have enjoyed playing Fallout but I feel guilty for not getting anything else done. Why should I feel guilty? It is not like it is my job or something but that is how I feel.
I try to publish 3-4 posts and play just one game per month, but even this, is very difficult for me because of real life (children, wife, job, etc.). To spent 200h for a video game is out of question! So, I thing you feel guilty because you know that there are many people like me around the blogosphere!
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