Sunday, May 12, 2019


Long ago, when I first started this blog, Blogger would automatically email me whenever someone posted a comment on one of my posts.  I came to rely on this heavily as a way to filter off the SPAM and to reply to anyone who have a legitimate comment.  Over the years the number of comments I received dropped as people moved away from following blogs and onto social media.  This drop in comments hid a change that Blogger made.  At some point it stopped sending me notifications of comments.  Recently I have noticed this but I lazily ignored it.  I figured I would get to it.  Today I got to it and I found a bit of a mess.  First, I missed a BUNCH of legitimate comments and for this I am truly sorry.  I don't want it to seem like I am ignoring people as that is not what is happening.  I have always been a bit slow on relies but I never intended to never reply.  The other issue is I now have an infestation of comment SPAM I was not aware of.  Starting today I will begin a review of all my posts and clean up the crap and reply to those I have missed.


Tim Kulinski said...

Dude, so thats why you never said anything back to me.

Robert said...

Well, it works now. I just need to remember to check my email.