Leutant Kulinski, a rather inept commander recently transferred to France, chose to set his initial defensive line roughly along the North-South road. He setup a series of tank traps and barbed wire sections to slow the American advance. Not wanting to over commit his troops he assigned two infantry squads to either side of the crossroads. His main anti-tank unit, a PaK40 AT gun, he deployed back from the road on the German right. He placed them in an open field with no cover.
The American commander, Lieutenant Brightwell, understood the rules of war almost as if he had written them himself. His plan of attack was simple; push his tanks right down the main road, through the center of the German defense and attack the German right with his infantry. He was sure that his artillery barrage would wipe out the defenders without his troops having to fire a shot. He wasn't far off.
The American barrage opened with great expectation for a quick destruction of the German defenses. It was not going to be that easy. In fact the artillery was mostly ineffective. Only a single German unit was hit and five Germans soldiers were killed. The unit would begin the battle pinned and half strength. None of the German fortifications were damaged or destroyed.
The Shermans quickly captured the crossroads and continued their advance down the main road. The lone infantry unit was helpless to stop the relentless advance. The Germans fell back alone the hedgerows of the main road; trying to stay out of the crosshairs of the advancing enemy tanks.
Leutnant Kulinski arrived late to the battle bringing with him his HQ, a couple of heavy machine guns and a pair of Panzer IV's that had become detached from their unit. The situation was looking bad and the German reinforcements might be too late to stop the American breakthrough.
The German reinforcements rushed to block the main road and stop the advance of the Shermans. A firefight quickly erupted between the Shermans and the Panzers. The lead German tank was quickly destroyed but his companion continued the fight. All during the tank battle the Shermans continued to advance down the lane. The German squad on their right meant that stopping would open them to an assault by the infantry. Gradually the remaining German tank was knocked out.

What ruleset do you use for WW2 games.
Hi Jack,
I use a home brew set that is based on 40K and Lord of the rings. I used to play Battleground WWII and Arc of Fire.
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