Update: It looks like these are still available in bulk from the GW on-line store - http://store.us.games-workshop.com/storefront/store.us?do=List_Models&code=303834&orignav=300810&ParentID=251467&GameNav=300810 . Seems like a lot of trouble for something I used to be able to get at any game store.
Today I have a small complaint. It really is a trivial thing but taken with the history of how GW manages their business it becomes really frustrating. GW no longer sells their plastic bases in packages of the same size base. It use to be (last year) that you could buy a package of 24 20mm x 20mm bases for about $6. This was a useful thing because I have recently started to base my non-GW figures on GW bases. They are cheap and available and are of a consitant size. They really are the industry standard.
Now they sell bases in an assortment pack that contains several sizes. This might be fine for the GW gamer, I don't really know, but for me it is useless. Add to that the $8 price of this assortment GW has lost several sales from me.
It looks like GaleForce 9 will be getting my money.
Midgard: Early Saxons v Late Romans
Our Chain of Command campaign over, General Ballroom and I travelled back
in time to the Early Medieval period. He was interested in trying Midgard
and I h...
9 hours ago