Well, time for some more crappy pictures. This time we have the first of 5 Valkyries for my Catachan army. Just a basic repaint and weathering. I also did the cool jungle base. Since these all had rather poorly painted cockpits, and come had glue fog anf finger prints as well, I decided to paint over the glass. It did not come out well in the pictures but the blued out glass looks good in person. I am using the old GW transfers for these and I had forgotten just how crappy these transfers are. I dred the next four models...
The Ironfang Pirate Fleet: The Rotmoons - Ironjawz Spearhead, part 2
The Ironjawz Spearhead will consist of a Megaboss, 2x5 Ardboys, 5 Brutes
and 3 Brute Ragerz.
As I've mentioned before, I was missing a few models to be...
4 hours ago
That is going to be a cool army when its done. Good luck with the rest of them.
They look pretty cool to me, reminds me strongly of the fliers out of 'Aliens'
Nice work man, it looks awesome!
nice work. the next one's should come out well
Despite the less than perfect pic, the gunship still looks great. Nice job!
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