The Ironfang Pirate Fleet: The Rotmoons - Ironjawz Spearhead, part 2
The Ironjawz Spearhead will consist of a Megaboss, 2x5 Ardboys, 5 Brutes
and 3 Brute Ragerz.
As I've mentioned before, I was missing a few models to be...
4 hours ago
Nice job. Gotta love the PaK40 - lot of 'bang' for buck with these guns..
These look excellent, Rob. Why are you transitioning to all Battlefront minis? Is it a standardization thing or you just prefer BF models over OG or PP?
Thanks guys! Jerry, there is no deep philosophical reason for the transition. It is a much more organic thing. All the support that I have for this army is already BF minis as well as half of the combat platoons. I have another unit of infantry that is BF and all my plans for additional units will be BF. In the end I will have a complete BF army anyway so it is easy to liquidate the extras when it will not change your ability to play the game.
Great looking unit there. Good work on the bases too!
Very nice work. I must concur the bases are very nice and show off the gun teams superbly.
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