As I mentioned in my
February Work in Progress #1, I need more Killa Kans for my Orks. I had three more of these in my Ork project pile that I have had for years. For this set I built a Big Shoota, a Skorcha and a Rokkit Launcha. The Skorcha is a bit of a risk as it throws out one of the strengths of Killa Kans - higher BS value. I thinks it will be a good trade-off.
Three new kans. |
Big Shoota |
Rokkit Launcha |
Skorcha |
All six of my Killa Kans. |
With 2 Big Shootas, 2 Rokkit Launchas, a Skorcha and a Grotzooka to choose from I have some cool list options. Right now I am thinking of running them in 2 units. Unit 1 will be anti-big creature, vehicle and high toughness. It will have 2 Rokkit Launchas and the Grotzooka. Unit 2 will be anti-troop or hoard. It will have 2 Big Shootas and the Skorcha. With this many options I will have to experiment with the combinations. Heck I might just run them as one big, six kan unit.
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