After a couple of years off I am returning to Finish it February. I started this idea in 2019 and managed 2 years but the last couple of been a bust for reason already explained. Part of getting my gaming hobby back on track is to revitalize this tradition. In the past I had lots of unfinished projects to choose from but this year I am keeping things modest. Below are three projects I would like to complete this month and, frankly, finishing just one would be a win.
This first one is kind of cheating. Finish it February is about finishing long neglected project but this is a project I started last month, so, technically its just a WIP. This is my Army of the Dead for LOTR and I painting these as part of the slow grow league. This will not be my first priority this month. |
This next project is much more in the spirit of Finish it February. These additions to my Flames of War DAK army have been in a box for a few years. Now's the time to get them finished. |
The final project on the list is not too old but has been sitting on my workbench for a few months. These are my Jordanian M47 model my friend Tom printed for me last year. These will be M48 proxies for my Fate of a Nation Jordanians. These are pretty close to being done. |
We'll see how I do this year. It would be pretty sweet to get these all done.