I finshed the last unit for my first 300 points of Beasts of Chaos. My Tale of More Than Four Gamers project required that I have this level completed by June 1...er...I am a little behind schedule.

Here is a picture of the army to-date. Next benchmark is 500Pts and that needs to be done...by...er...Friday. No worries I have a little time. Actually, the next unit is progressing nicely. I am working on a 4 man unit of Minotaurs which will put me a little over 500 points.
Those look really sharp.
I like the bases most of all, the "forest floor" look with underbrush and weeds. It definitely gives the unit a distinct feel.
Nice work.
Thanks! They would have looked better had I gone back and cleaned up the mold lines and such. I aquired this collection mostly assembled and because of the time limit I have imposed on myself I did not go back and prep these properly. They will look good on the table and that is what I am hoping for.
They look great to me. I think the Beasts of Chaos is a really nifty looking WHFB army when painted well. I look forward to seeing more.
Wow, you are realy good dude. I'm brasilian and ai found your blog on mother google ^^
well I'm only initiating on play warhammer... and I'm terrible on painting...my works are on www.plwarhammer.wordpress.com
is in portuguese, sorry about that
good job with the wargs to
Looking good, Rob!
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