Sunday, August 3, 2008


Well i missed the Aug.1 deadline but not by much! This unit of Minotaurs puts be slightly above 500pts for our challenge. These were a blast to paint! The minis are a little hokey looking but they sure were fun to paint.

I need to create a banner for the standard bearer. I haven't given it much thought but it should be faily easy. I might just copy one from the codex and color it.

I have another unit of Minotaurs for this army but I don't think I will be painting them soon. Next level for the cahllenge is 750pts. For that I will do my Brey Shaman and probably add command elements to the Beast herds.


The Inner Geek said...

I agree the minotaurs are not the least hokey minis that GW has ever put out. But, your paint job negates a lot of that. Really nice work!

dvdhwk said...

Paint job on the skin looks really good.

Jerry said...

You've done a great job with these! I agree about the Minotaur models, though. I really wanted to do the Rackham models, before they went to pre-painted stuff.

Anyway, nice work!

slobberblood said...

yes, you rock....

Anonymous said...

The Minotaurs look great!! Keep up the good work!