After several years of waffling,
excuses and whining I have decided to jump into Flames of War. You
might be wondering why this is such a big deal for me (then again you might not). Well, it is mostly a big deal
because for some reason I have made it that way. I have spent a great deal of energy coming up with reasons for NOT playing this game all the while I have spend hours pouring over the
FOW web site.
You see, I really like what Battlefront has done with this game. They have a really well designed product with excellent support. Their models and books are top notch. From all I have been able to see the game is very popular and plays well. In addition there are lots of options for models in 15mm...
15mm...this is where the trouble starts. You see, I hate 15mm. When I first started miniature gaming 15mm was a very tempting direction and I even invested in 15mm
ACW for Johnny
Reb III. There was a time when I was thinking about build a
DBM army...the mind boggles. During this time I was also playing several
GW games and was getting into
Warhammer Ancient Battles, which are all 25/28mm games. To make matter even more complicated I had a large collection of World War II in 20mm for Battleground World War II. I also had a collection of micro armor which was 6mm. Things were getting out of control. I made a
decision that I was only going to play games in one 'scale' and that was going to be 28mm.
After much thought I finally realized that 15mm was the only bad thing I could think of about Flames of War and it wasn't important enough to keep me from playing. So, now I am building an 8
th Army British Infantry force for North Africa. Several other friends are also either working on armies for this game and period.
In the picture above you can see the start of my collection. Most of the infantry is from Old Glory's Command
Decision line. I think that most of the vehicles will end up being Battlefront as they are very nice models. This should be a very fun project to collect and paint and I am
planning a series of posts as the project moves ahead. Stay tuned.