With demise of my web site of ten years I am left with large amouts of stuff that no longer have a home. Some of it is junk that will not be missed and some of it is cool stuff...well, I think it is cool. Over the next few weeks I will be uploading some of my older work for your enjoyment. Most of this stuff is several years old.
The first installment are a couple of Necromunda Bounty Hunter figures.
It is good to see so many painted Necromunda figs. I played it a lot, it was flawed, but the Escher gang came out last so I never painted a whole gang...
It was a good game for getting new people involved but getting them to paint...
Keep up the good work. Old School is the best school.
i just found this second one under my bed. is there any way this could be worth anything? a keeper for in 10 years? i'm 18 now and very interested in 80's games. not for playing but more for the money ;)
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