The company command is 35 points and will include a troop carrier. I am still building and painting the carrier model and it will be part of a future update.
Finally we have the HMG platoon. Two sections of two guns each make for loads of fire-power. These guys will also have carrier transport that is under construction. This unit come to about 190 points.
Still to come is the Mortar Platoon with 6 tubes, three OP stands, a command and 7 carriers. After that is the Royal Artillery battery of two sections for a total of 4 guns. All of that will get me to about 1100 points. I still have enough infantry for at least one more infantry platoon and perhaps two. I still have lots to do.
Those HMG universal carriers are incredibly important. HMGs cannot fire if they moved during your movement phase (they can still fire in self defense if assaulted or drawn into an assault though). However if mounted in an HMG carrier if the carriers move 6" or less they can fire at full ROF (6) per carrier. If greater than 6" I believe they are treated as a vehicle machine gun (ROF 3). When you consider man-packed gun team save of 5+, being in an armor 0 (where your opponent must pass a fire power check AND in mid-war games a 0 can actually save against some weapons) vehicle - even if it does get blown up - you still get a passenger saving throw of 5+. Unless you can dig in HMGs I think its always better to be in a HMG carrier.
The 8th army looks good, although it seems that the pictures are all yellowing on you. You might want to check the white balance on your camera.
But other than than that, they look awesome...
Oh yeah... and the stands look great. :)
Looks awesome, Rob! I'm following your tutorial from an earlier post to get my Americans painted. They probably won't look half as good as these.
Jerry, I am sure they will look great. This is a very easy way to paint and you are already a good painter so no problems. I can't wait to see them on your blog...hint,hint
Thanks for the feedback and advice Charles! I can't wait to get these on the table and try them out.
Tim, I have never been happy with how the color balance is on my camera. I really need to spend some time trying to figure it out but the settings are not easy to figure out.
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