The Moonscape set is complete! These really turned out nice and I am happy I put the work into them. For the painting phase I used two different shades of brown craft paint. The Nutmeg Brown is the first color to go over the brown base coat. This is applied in a slightly 'wet' dry brush.

After the Nutmeg Brown has dried apply a standard dry brush of the Honey Brown. This color will really bring out the details. Once that has dried I dull coated the craters and then flocked the edges. See the following pictures for the paint sequence.
Hey man, I hear that Honey Brown is the new Mudstone, is that true???
Nice job on the craters, they look good!
Nice colours, did you think about 'Roughcoating' first, before painting to give them a rougher stone finish? Mine are still grey plastic!
Very sharp dude, very sharp...
Very nice indeed. I have one suggestion tho... Dry brush some black in the pit of the craters. It'll make them more realistic and gives them a little more depth.
I have another set ofMoonscape that I will be doing for my city terrain. These will get more roughin' up.
The next batch will get darker craters. This set looks more like old craters rather than fresh ones.
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