My Land Speeder Typhoon is done! This is another salvage project from my collection of old Imperial Fists. This model has a similar story to the
Landraider. Again, huge amounts of superglue and yellow paint made this a challenge. After 24 hours in the freezer I was able to get the original crew out and the missile pods off. I had enough parts to replace the crew and the Multi-Melta. The missile pods spent the night in the Simple Green to strip off the paint. I decided not to try and strip the paint from the speeder. There is not enough fine detail to have made that worth the effort.
The antenna was broken so I replaced that with the radar dish from the vehicle accessory sprue. This is actually a good thing because the speeder will be serving as my spotter for my Suppression Force for Apocalypse battles.
Not a perfect job but it looks pretty good.
Edit 9/18/2009: Here is an old before picture of this model. No a great picture but it gives you an idea of what it looked like.
I knew it, you shuold keep on salvaging that is your real call, you do wonders salvaging.
I looks great.
Looks good Rob, I remember what that thing looked like beore you started on it. Hmm theres a new business for you, reclaiming old busted GW models!
Very nice work with your salvaging efforts. Your change (due to necessity) of the antenna array is a very good one; I had the same problem long ago with my own Land Speeder, and your edit looks great. The painting is spot on as well! Keep up the great work all around.
The color is fantastic hard to believe it was salvaged! Great job!
I'm not a fan of the blue and red missiles, but other wise I think it's great. :)
Very nice!
I like the radar dish replacement, plus the color looks great!
The only thing I'm not feeling about the model is the missile colors. I think something like white or gray would be fine.
Past that, it's a sharply executed paint job, and I'm amazed it was used.
Maybe it's just my passing through, but are there any 'before' pictures available?
I just found and old picture and uploaded it so you can see a before shot.
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